Trial Lesson Registration Trial Lesson Registration Please check which instrument(s) you would like to register for: * Piano Guitar Voice Ukulele Violin Electric Bass Drums Cello Theory VoiceVoice Other Please check which format(s) you would like to register for: * In-person Zoom Skype WhatsApp Facetime Google Duo Facebook Messenger OtherOther Does not matter Lesson Length * 30 minutes 35.0045 minutes 49.0060 minutes 64.0015 minutes 20.00 (pre-school sibling intro to music session - must have older sibling registered)45-minute lesson in-home service with School Director Ms. Tate 73.5060-minute lesson with in-home service with School Director Ms. Tate 98.0045-minute lesson in-studio service w/ School Director Ms. Tate 60.0060-minute lesson in-studio service w/ School Director Ms. Tate 75.0030-minute Pre-school Intro to Music Group Class 59.00 Preferred Lesson Date & Time * Alternate Lesson Date & Time * Your Name * First Last * Last Phone Number * Email * Name and Age of STUDENT * Address (complete with Postal Code and any necessary Parking Instructions) * In-home lesson format: are there any pets on the premises? If so, please indicate type. If not, please indicate N/A. Relevant Medical and/or Learning Information (eg. allergies, medication, ADHD, ASD, etc. - anything that might be useful for the teacher to prepare for an optimal lesson). All information is kept confidential between admin and your teacher only. Emergency contact information aside from adult who will be home during the lesson. Name, Cell Phone, Relationship to student. * Musical background (if any), musical goals/requests I would like to use the following method of payment to secure my trial lesson * VisaMasterCardE-transfer to Promo Code I understand that, once confirmed by email/text, there is no refund available and that I will need to purchase another trial lesson if I need to reschedule. * Agree I understand that in the case of an illness with either the teacher, the student, or their households, (or if BC government regulations change to not allowing in-home services) then the lesson will automatically be switched to a virtual lesson. * Agree I understand that for an in-person lesson, an adult needs to be on the premises for the duration of the lesson with a minor; for a virtual lesson, an adult also needs to be present in the same room as the student in order to help with instructions for the duration of the lesson. * Agree Mailing List Please email me more information about other services/promotions the Music for Life School of Music has to offer Captcha Additional information or message: Tell us how you heard about us! Google Search Yahoo Search Facebook Ad on car Poster From a friend From one of our teachers OtherOther If you are human, leave this field blank.